Wednesday, October 16, 2013

|| Colour Schemes ||

Photography will always be my first art love but design comes in close second. I have random designs of logos, fonts, christmas cards, senior and baby announcements and so much more stored on my hard drives and computer. I love it. It's something I do when I am bored or when I'm stressed. Which means lately there has been a lot of random designing going on. So I thought I would share with you something I have loved doing lately... making colour schemes! I think I will make this a monthly thing.{?} Here are October's colour schemes! Feel free to pin these and use them for your design or decor benefit!



 mason jar pink

holt wedding

bright and tight

 photo singoff3_zps6639febe.png


  1. ooooh boy. I sure do love all of those. I love the bottom one, i almost used that for my wedding!
