photo & print by meghan.holt
photo & print by meghan.holt
After having a rough few days, I was thinking about this quote and how I am the one who is responsible for making me happy. Even when I face trials I need/want to try and take them on with a happy attitude. It isn't up to Brett, my mom, a new shirt, a friend, or anyone/anything else to make me enjoy my own life, it is up to me. Don't get my wrong, these people are what make going through life happy for me but they can't force me to have a positive outlook or a happy disposition, that one is all on my shoulders!
source: pinterest
Okay well that is my little blurb for the day! Sorry for the ramble and the nonsense I just made... lol
I hope the rest of yours and my week is a happy one : )
Nice post honey ;)