Tuesday, February 23, 2016

|| Beckett: 5 Months ||

AGE: 5 Months!

Size: 15lbs 2oz

Clothing Size: 3-6 months but you can still fit in a few 0-3 month shirts! 

Eye Colour: Blue!!

Hair Colour: Still going with strawberry blonde and actually maybe more strawberry/brownish lately! It seriously changes so often!

Teeth: Nope! Still drooling like a maniac but no teeth!

New Developments: You are starting to move more here and there! When we put you on your tummy you move like a little swimmer and move in a clockwise motion! It's the cutest thing. You also rolled over today in front of me for the first time! I freaked out and it was the best! I started to clap and cheer you on and you just smiled so big at me like you knew you did something awesome.
Moment To Remember:
You celebrated your first Valentines day! We didn't do very much since it was a Sunday but we did go to church and then visited Grandma and Grandma Maxwell and Grandma and Grandpa Holt! We spent 4 days at the cabin with Grandma Lisa, Great Grandma Matkin, and Aunt Kathy! It was a really fun time :) We went shopping, played cards, watched some movies, you napped really good, and we watched the ladies knit and crochet!

You think you are chatting with us all day long! If we start making noises at you, you start responding! We love it.

You have been doing so much better!! Still waking up about every 3 hours to eat but you eat fast and go back to sleep right away! You have been having big afternoon naps too! Yay Becks! I can't imagine how proud I will be when you start sleeping 4-6 hours a night!

Like always you are a smily laughing machine! It is so great!!

Beckett Likes:
Your stuff animals, your little friend Sophie is still a huge fav, going on walks, cuddling first thing in the morning, having his toes tickled, rocking out to Adele in the car, and having the late night giggles!

Beckett Dislikes:
being tired, getting his undershirt on, having a stuffy nose, and not being able to put every single thing in his little mouth!

Favourite Mommy Activity:
I have been loving going on walks outside with you lately and we both can't get enough! I seriously love it so much! You look all around and can't get enough of seeing the world around you. You have yet to stay awake through an entire walk but that's okay, I don't mind.

Favourite Daddy Activity:
He has been giving you your baths lately so I can workout and I don't know who laughs harder you or him! He dumps water from up high onto your tummy and you both lose it and just laugh and laugh! It's hard to concentrate on my workout and I end up sneaking up quick to watch! You two are the best of friends!

Favourite Place To Sleep:
Right next to mommy in our bed! You are getting a little more mobile these days though so I am afraid these days might be coming to an end :( I never thought I would be a co-sleeper but I am and I love it!

Favourite Toy:
Sophie the Giraffe is still holding this position!

What I've Learned:
You have been sick with a bad cough the last few days and it literally breaks my heart. I would do anything to take that away from you. I have read so much on what things I can do to help you get healthy as quick as can be! I have learned that I am a worrier. Okay I already knew that but I am now even more than ever! I try and stay calm but it is hard sometimes! You are my world and I just want you healthy and safe and all times!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

|| Beckett:4 Months ||

AGE: 4 whole months!

Size: 14 lbs 3oz

Clothing Size: 3-6 months

Eye Colour: Blue!!

Hair Colour: Still going with strawberry blonde but getting more and more blonde!

Teeth: Not quite yet but man you are a drool monster these days! We think that maybe some teeth are thinking about coming but not quite yet... thank goodness!

New Developments: You are using you hards so much now! You can hold some of your toys like Sophie and your chewy fish! You also love your stuffed bunny and stuffed fox your Grandma Lisa gave you! Your legs are getting strong too and you have been loving your Jolly Jumper. You also rolled over... it's a touchy subject around here since you did it when your mom was at YWS and you have get to do it again. Yes I bawled over it...

Moment To Remember:
We celebrated your first ever Christmas! It was the greatest and it made my favourite holiday even better! You were so cute in your little reindeer outfit skating on Christmas eve and your cute Hudson's Bay pjs on the stairs at Aunt Julie's! You were spoiled rotten by your grandparents, like always! I don't think you were put down from 2 weeks straight! One of the more special moments was meeting your twin, Uncle Russ, via FaceTime! It made me cry... which isn't hard but I just loved it. So ya Christmas was pretty awesome! You also jumped in your Jolly Jumper for the first time at Grandma Robyn and Grandpa Mike's an you LOVED it! No one was surprised though. We also spent New Years Eve at the cabin and you loved all the attention you got from your little cousins!

Well like I mentioned you rolled over without me there... and you can get wiggling on your tummy and move yourself around a bit!

You are getting louder and louder and it is the best! No actual words but we enjoy the "words" you do yell at us!

Ever since Christmas ended sleep has gotten so much better around here! You go about 2-3 hours between waking up at night and sleep in until 11am most mornings! Oh ya best ever! You have been having a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and then a 1 hour nap before bed!

So much smiling and laughing going on! You get the most giggly when you are sleepy! It cracks your dad and I right up :)

Beckett Likes:
Being walked around looking at everything, baths are still a fav, Sophie the Giraffe, sleeping on your mom, being rocked to sleep by your dad, waking up from a good nap, getting your diaper changed, leaving the house, your carseat, cuddles on the couch, and airplane rides!

Beckett Dislikes:
Being left alone, loud sounds that scare you, being held like a baby when you aren't tired, being in the dark backseat alone while mom drives, and not being able to fit your entire fist in your mouth.

Favourite Mommy Activity:
Putting you to sleep. I lay in bed and have you on my chest and pat and rub your back until you fall asleep. You put your hand on my face with one hand and stroke the back of my arm with the other. You stare at me with your heavy eyes and smile until you can't help but fall into dream land. I never want to forget it. I do it so many times a day but I love it every time. I know soon their will be a time when you won't want me to put you to sleep and I dread that day.

Favourite Daddy Activity:
He tells everyone that no matter how hard of a day he has had at work the second he walks in the house and you smile at him nothing else matters! He loves you so much and is always telling me that we have the best and cutest baby he has ever seen! I would have to whole heartedly agree.

Favourite Place To Sleep:
You still won't fall asleep on your own (which is fine with us!) but you do sleep the best laying down in bed!

Favourite Toy:
Sophie the Giraffe has become your bestie!

What I've Learned:
That somehow each month you just get cuter and cuter! I can't even handle it somedays and just want to squish you and kiss your chubby cheeks right off! I have also learned not to sweat the small stuff. If I don't get my workout in, the dishes done, my blog post written, or the laundry folded... but you, daddy and I are all happy and healthy, then life is perfect!