Wednesday, December 4, 2013

|| Quarter of a Century ||

The day finally came and I am officially closer to 30 than 20. It kind of scares me. I have told Brett a few times that 25 is old and that we should probably start having kids or something! If you would have asked me at 16 what I would be doing at 25 I would have said something like "married, with 2-3 kids, being a stay at home mom..." So I mean I'm not doing all that bad since I am married and I am a stay at home mom... just with no kids! I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself then, right? 

Anyway my birthday was awesome! Brett spoiled me ROTTEN! Seriously. My face hurt from smiling a lot through out the day! I spend the morning alone because Brett was volunteering at Give Kids A Smile. I got up, had breakfast, then went to the gym. I had never done that on my birthday so I was pretty proud of myself for not being a lazy bum. Then Brett came home and the party began. First thing was present opening. Brett had bought most of them weeks prior and so I had to stay out of our spare bedroom and the anticipation was killing me! He did not disappoint. I got a magic bullet, some chetah print sandals, a new shirt, tickets to the coyotes vs flames game, and last but my favourite was a 85mm 1.8 canon lens. I have wanted one forever but knew I couldn't get one due to our little budget so getting this was a HUGE deal for me. Go ahead and ask Brett if I was happy... I may have done a very embarrassing happy dance. 

After the over excitement of the presents calmed, we got ready and Brett took me to the zoo! This was no normal zoo, it was the best zoo in the world. We were SO close to all the animals. So close that I felt like maybe this zoo was illegal? Is it okay that the rhinos weren't in a fenced off area? Is it okay that you can play tug-a-war with a stick with the jaguars? Because all those things were happening! The zoo was awesome and if you are ever in the are you HAVE to go. Totally worth while for sure. It was a great idea that Brett had and I love that he knows me so well and knew I would love it. 

He then took me to eat at a Japanese place and I loved it! My favourite restaurants are Edo and Oshos so he found one similar to those :) It was a great way to end such a great day!

Here are some photos that we took of our day at the zoo! 

 photo singoff3_zps6639febe.png


  1. i absolutely love these animal pics! the one of the zebra and the monkeys! oh and the giraffe and jaguar and flamingos and basically all of them! haha

    1. Oh thanks girl! We will have to do a double date there sometime!
