Well peeps I did the dang thing. I cooked up the dinner and it was pretty good, if I do say so myself. Maybe ask Brett sometime when I'm not around to get a truthful, unbiased answer. I thought it would be a lot of work but I actually really enjoyed it. Not everything turned out the greatest... {my sweet potato casserole was a little on the "soupy" side} But overall I am proud that I took a chance and made something. For those of you who knew of my cooking skills pre-marriage, or lack there of, you would have been impressed. Mostly I am speaking to Annie, Amber, Megan, and my family! Anna if you are reading things just know that I took your for granted the year you were "my wife" and I am sorry. All those meals you made me, the treats you baked, I didn't say thank you enough. I hope this helps! Also to my own mother and to my mother in law, you guys are rock stars for always making such great meals like this! You make it seem effortless and I now realize it is not. Thank you both!
Anyway back to my meal. I made mashed potatoes with chicken gravy {shout out to my mother in law Robyn for getting me such yummy gluten free gravy!!}, sweet potato casserole with brown sugar pecan topping, and green bean casserole. Also if you are living near us and are craving any of these foods please stop by or we will have leftovers for eternity. I have a problem with making way to much food. I even half the recipe most of the time. Any tips for solving this problem?
I was grateful that Brett was able to take a quick break from the books to share this meal with me. We each took a turn saying what we were grateful for and it was just a nice little dinner. I am so glad we did it! I am sure this will be the first of many thanksgiving dinners away from family so I am sure glad I get to spend them with the best husband in the world.
Well here are a few more pics of our quiet little thanksgiving feast complete with recipes.
Oh you might be wondering why I didn't include the chicken you see in the "things I made" sentence above... well because I got that bad boy from wally world. We are poor students after all. A full blown turkey just wasn't in our budget. It was delicious and the best part was it was made already!
I really hope everyone had a great thanksgiving complete with loved ones and good food!