Okay just a heads up this is a post with lots of pictures! You would think I take pictures for a living or something? ANYWHO these pictures are also on FB so if you have seen them already feel free to skip over this post!
There have been lots of things I have done this summer that I don't have pictures of yet or at all! Like Peta's wedding, Jenni's wedding, the lake bash, bridge jumping, LOTS of bridal showers, riding on motorbikes, bonfires, magrath days, random fire show and weapon fighting at Gult Gardens with Amber, M, and Matty G, card games, picnics at Henderson, mini road trips and lots of other awesome summer activities! But here are 3 that were lucky enough to be picture worthy!
So one day me, mariss. m, and lyssa heard there was a party at Wally's Beach! So obviously we decided to hit it up! Turns out when we got their we didn't really know anyone and felt totally awkward. So we were there all of 5 minutes! But it was funny and I had my camera so I documented this awkard event!
We had just arrived! Had no idea what were about to discover! |
the beach was almost as awkward as this face I'm making... |
oh man I love these two! |
Okay so next up was the Echo trip with all my friends! A big shout out to the Low and McDonald families that allowed us to stay at their cabins! It was realy fun despite the HORRIBLE weather we had! Seriously it was lame and rained like the whole time! OH well! The girls all stayed at the Low cabin so that was a blast! There were also about 5 girls from Idaho that came and we got to know them and they were such fun girls!
Things to be Remembered:
1.The HILARIOUS event at the border...(lyss and M know what I'm talking about!)
2. How me and Lyss somehow managed to tip the red seadoo that was "untippable"
3. When me, Lyss, Amy, and Mary saw a bear on our way to watch Eclipse!
4. When me and Lyss were SO tired we almost crashed a million times on the way home!
5. When poor little M locked her keys in the car while she was outside of the car in the poring rain right outside of browning!
Just about to leave Magrath! |
Turns out we make these faces in pics a lot! Look at the pics above! |
Just trying to laugh off what was going on at the border! My luck, seriously! Its amazing! |
Pretty Ladies! |
Look it was sunny for 10 seconds! The rest of the time freeeezing! Hence my hoodie and towel rapped around me like a blanket! |
Me and Sarah getting DRENCHED in the rain on the boat! |
Lastly, I just returned from Echo lake take 2! This time it was Family Trip! We do this every year and have been for about 10 years! My family was talking and we figure that if the Low's weren't such amazing people and friends we would never go on vacation! We went to their home in Arizona over Spring Break and then we go to their Cabin every summer! We are so lucky and blessed to have them in our lives! It was so much fun to have my siblings there! Even though Russ was greatly missed! He was at State for baseball in Billings Montana and therefor had to miss out! Mitch was "lucky" enough to brake a bone in his hand and then have to quit baseball allowing him to come! This was his first time in 5 years! We take our sports at the Maxwell house very seriously lol Anyway it was really fun and I miss it there already! I even did things behind the boat almost everyday! I never do this so it was quite the accomplishment! I had to leave 2 days early so I could attend my BFF Jenni's wedding (so worth it she looked FAB!) but I'm glad I was there for along as I was!
Seriously how cute is he! |
Mitchy and I on the first day! |
I wish I was good at water sports like Tara! |
or like Ty! |
I am so lucky to have a sister like Jocelyn! Just love her to death! |
Every year we take the seadoo out and wash our hair in the middle of the lake! This was right before we left! |
paha |
so typical... my trying my best to make my tom boy sister a girly girl... |
SO happy that this boy was there this year! We had many laughs this trip thanks | to Carson! |
Overall my summer has be awesome! Next week I am off to Fairmont BC for the Matkin Family Reunion and I can't wait! Also I am moving soon so I will blog about that at some point! I showed my mom the house yesterday and she loves it and thinks its super cute! She also said that she hopes this is the last time she has to move me before I have a boy who can move my stuff for me... doubt it mom! She then was quick to say that she loves having me home just not the actual moving process! I am so lucky my mommy still loves me! Anyway I hope the rest of the summer will be eventful and exciting!
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