At the time I was much bigger,older,wiser,and obviously cuter... Some of this has changed. He grew and got bigger than me, his grades in school were always better than mine, and well he kinda got cuter than me.. but no matter what I will always be older! Which he will get to tease me about when we are old... dang...
Anyways Carson Kennith Dahl has been my best friend since forever! Honestly he is more like a brother/cousin than a friend. And we fight like it too... Our families celebrate every holiday together and have since forever! We have done so much together! Our parents were and still are best friends so naturally so are we! He left me 2 years ago to serve a mission in Russia! Lets just say when he left I might have shed some tears.. okay maybe I bawled so what... I was so nervous about him going to Russia.. It's scary there! Then on July 1st 2008 I got a phone call and it was Carson! He was going into the MTC the next day so I thought he was calling to say good-bye but he was calling to tell me his mission got changed and he was going to California! I was a lot happier about this than he was! So anyway his 2 years are coming to a close! TODAY actually! WOO!! I got to talk to him on Skype at Christmas and it was great! He is still the same old Carson just more spiritual! (I may have cried for the first 5 mins until he told me to stop so we could actually talk...) ANYWHO he gets home at 6:45pm and I can't wait! :) Here are some pics I have on this computer of me and Cars! I wish that I could put some of the VHS video I have of us on here! Seriously some of it is priceless!
Here we are at about 18months I would guess?

And here we are 18 years later!

I am pretty excited to see him! Can you tell?

i love this post.