You are my best friend. I tell you everything and you tell me everything. Sometimes I secretly wish you were a girl and then I realize you would probably be cuter than me and I change my mind. You kept my secrets for a really long time till this one time on a Saturday morning we were talking to mom and you told mom everything! I was mad so I told some of yours! Good thing we both just laughed the whole time... well mom didn't really. You are the most athletic boy I know! It drives me crazy. You can just start playing a sport and you are the best at it. Sometimes I wish you were like a normal boy and then I could see you more often. I have watched you play hundreds of hockey and baseball games. Literally hundreds and I have loved everyone. I like that you play for the Hurricanes, even though lots of people just want to be my friend to meet you and get free tickets. Remember that time that random guy that came up to me at church and was like "You're brother is so awesome.. blah blah... I want to meet him!" Turns out you were standing there listening to the whole thing. I then politely told him you were standing right here and he (and you) were very embarrassed? I don't even mind that when we go to big events with our parents that all their friends know who you and Russell are (and of coarse Pax cause everyone knows who he is) and me and Joce are just your sisters. Also I love that when/if you ever read this you will be embarrassed. You are so humble. Like remember that time a few weeks ago I had just read an article about you being the "home town hero" and so when I saw you I said "Oh hey home town hero" and you got mad at me? I have never heard you brag about yourself to anyone and when ever someone compliments you, you are genuinely grateful. It's okay though I brag enough about you for the both of us ;)
You are also such a great example. The things you have seen and the temptations that you have conquered inspire me! Even though you have such a bright future in sports you still want to give 2 years of your life and serve the Lord. I remember this one time when you were about 14 mom said that if you made it to the NHL you might not go on a mission and you shot back that yes you were going no matter what! You are a good boy! You even come to church with me after a 10 day road trip with the Hurricanes and you didn't get any sleep the night before and got home at 5 a.m. I hate sitting by myself at church but you will show up and go by yourself if I can't make it. I have a secret for you, its something that I should not want. Really its bad. But here it goes... I don't know if I want you to go on a mission. I think I would miss you too much. I seriously almost tear up thinking about the day you leave me. And I am at work so I can't cry so I'm not thinking about it anymore!
On a lighter note... I hate how you never shave. I think it's because everyone wants you to so it's just you being stubborn. You also tell the best stories even though they never make sense and at the end you always say "Well dad can tell it better!" You also have this ability to make everyone laugh no matter how mad they are. Sometimes I just wanna be mad at you but it's impossible! This also comes in handy when mom is having a bad day. You have this gift where you can just make her happy. That's why last week I texted you and told you to come home asap! Also I love that you will say you love me first when we are about to hang up the phone or end a texting conversation or I'm about to head out the door, even if you are with your friends.
Well my BIG little brother I could seriously go ON and ON so I will stop! You da best and I LOVE you!
This is my favorite picture. Your brothers look up to you Mitch.

oh so cute megs! your are a doll and such a sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteuhm.. this made me cry.