Okay so you know the saying
"Always a Bridesmaid, Never the Bride"? Well I live this but my saying goes
"Always the Photographer, Never the Bride" I try and pretend that it doesn't bother me but sometimes after a Wedding I am over come with the feeling a pure jealousy! I get to see all the tender moments of the wedding day and I can't help but wish I was experiencing them sometimes! More than anything it just makes me excited! But really I am not complaining about the Photographer part because I
LOVE what I do! Seriously its the bomb and I am so lucky to get to do what I love!What else I love is that lots of the people I have been shooting lately are my best friends!
I have seriously had so many of my closest friends get married! I love getting to see them make the choices that lead them to a temple marriage! I also love that lots of the time I get to be apart of their wedding day. My very favorite part of the wedding is when then first come out of the temple! Seriously the happiness is just radiating out of them! I
LOVE it! You can't help but smile right back at them! So to help me remember all my
FAB friends that got married over the past few months or that are going to be getting married here is a little tribute to the new WIFEYS
First off was
Jasmine's wedding! We have been friends since we were 5 and I love her SO much! We walked to school and home everyday, until we could drive, but no matter what every first day of school we would meet at the "twins" corner and walk to school. She has always been there for me and I love her to pieces! She married Matt on March 6th 2010 in the Cardston temple! I was their engagement photographer and lucky enough to be a bridesmaid!
Next up was was little miss
Sami Jane! Me and Sami haven't been friends for long, just over a year now, but she has been such an amazing friend to me! We bonded over our similar heart breaks and have been besties every since! Sam is the kind of girl that speaks her mind and tells it like it is and I love her for it! She will also drop everything if you need her and is always willing to listen to me rant about the stupidest things! Sami my love I am so glad we are still friends and talk everyday even though you are married! I am also so excited to be living close to you in a few short weeks! Anywho Sam married Landon on June 12th 2010 in the Cardston Temple. I had the pleasure of being their engagement and wedding photographer!
Now she might not be married yet but in just 2 shorts days she will be, who am I talking about? The soon to be Mrs. Walker
Ashley (aka Peta)! So last summer the same thing happened and a ton of my friends got married. So this left me without a little crew and so I was a loser. Straight up! I seriously spent most of the summer at home until Peta decided to save me! I seriously owe her so much! I pretty much lived in her room with her, we shared her bed, clothes, gossip, diet cokes and laughs and I grew to totally adore her! I feel like I couldn't let her get married unless the guy she was marrying was out of this world awesome and perfect for her and lucky for Ian he is just that! When we did their engagement session I just laughed the whole time! He is hilarious! And he just loves her to death and it's so cute! I am shooting their wedding this Saturday and I am so excited!!
Now last but certainly not least is
Jenni Benni! Oh man have I ever been through a lot with her! I think she has seen me through the hardest times in my life and I have been there through hers. We were best friends in High School but were inseparable in my grade 12 year. So much so that everyone thought she was graduating with me even though she is a year younger! She told me once that when she first met me she didn't like me at all cause I was from Magrath and trying to hangout with the Raymond boys but luckily she got over that! We have done some seriously crazy things together. Like leaving notes on a certain boys door every time we went to Lethbridge, hanging out with the motocross boys, going to a million bonfires, buying Evanescence and Avril Cd's, sleeping on "our" couches with Ang and her house, driving to Leth on new years eve to go to a CRAZY party but sitting outside of it and chickening out, thanksgiving weekend, spooning in her bed, always sharing clothes and swim suites and boyfriends at times, handing out and wearing football jerseys, playing together every July 1st, and having hours of girl talk in the Van with Ang! There are a hundred more memories I could share but I think that's good for now! I miss those days I won't lie but I have never been so proud of her for the choices she has made that have gotten her to where she is now! She is getting married to Cody on July 30th 2010! Shes the best friend a girl to ask for and I love her to death!
My friendship with Jenni wouldn't have been the same without our other part Ang! I wouldn't be who I am today without you guys! We seriously did everything together!! Including a photo shoot the day before me and Ang left Jenni to move to Edmonton! |
Even after 3 years we are all still close and I love you girls SO much! |
I think this pic sums Jenni and I up perfectly!
Here we are after 6 years still as in love as ever ;)
Well girls I love you all and I am so proud of and excited for each of you!!