Monday, February 28, 2011

2011 Academy Awards

It was the Oscars/ Academy Awards last night! So of coarse I felt the need to tell the internet my feelings on the fashion choices of the rich and famous! If you would like to see my fashion favorites of the night head over to

I'll give you a clue as to who my favorite was....

Michael Kelso wouldn't have been able to keeps his hands off her!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family Day

To say I am HUGELY jealous of all the students in Canada would be an understatement. I would love to have a whole 7 days off of work right now! Last year at this time I was in Utah with little miss Lyssa and Janey Pants having the time of my life!
Oh how I miss this!

Notice how last year I was in a place with no snow...
and could go without a coat... mmm sigh

THE best road trip partner in the world!

This year I am a working girl and can't afford to just take a week off. Also Lyss is now a poor student and Janet is off being miss adventurous and going to school in New Zealand.... I could kill her!

So this year I only got one day off. Family Day. I sure made the most of my day off. The Sunday night before I went to a scone party at Steeds, then went to the Midnight Movie with Ryan A, Amber Z, and Jordan H! Of coarse the night wouldn't have been complete without a little drama... luckily it wasn't mine but none the less very entertaining! It is a sad day when my life is so boring I have to live through others... Anyway we went to 127 hrs and I spend half of the movie with my eyes closed, ears plugged, and humming to myself... I was not meant to be a nurse or doctor or anyone who deals with blood or any kind of human waste! Ryan who is in his last year of medical school of coarse mocked me but agreed to tap me when the bad parts were over! 

After the movie Amber, Jordan, and I decided to have a little sleep over. Of coarse we ended up staying up till 5am talking... if any of you know I haven't seen the likes of 5am for a LONG time! I am always the first asleep at everything! I can't help it my body doesn't work after about 12:30am... I am an old grandma. 

The next day I got up at 10:00am (felt great to sleep past 7am!) ate breakfast, showered, went tanning, and then went to Mitch and Russell's hockey game! They won in overtime and it was a great game! Since it was Family Day they honored the families of the hurricanes and we went out on the ice wearing the boys jerseys. It was a little awkward but I did it anyway. My 15 minutes of fame if you will. 
The Maxwell Boys number 1 supporters

I had to separate my hair because it was covering the R. Maxwell.
A goal is achieved!
I now have a head cold and an aching throat... I am sort of out of it so if this post doesn't make sense I'm sorry! I was so confused last night that after I took some Tylenol I went to put the bottle back in the fridge... I guess that's what I get for staying up till 5am... 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Mornings

Every Tuesday morning when I get to work the first thing I do after answering the messages and what not is discuss the latest episode of the Bachelor with my boss Matt. Today was no different! We started talking about the hometown dates and when it got to talking about Emily (our clear favorite) he said he did some background research, ya he's H Core, on her and her fiance Ricky. He found out that Ricky's family was really wealthy and owned some race cars or something and that the hospital that Emily works at was build by Ricky's family in honor of Ricky. So we decided that for my morning assignment at work I would look more into this! Ya I know you all wish you had my job!

Emily and Ricky

So as I was looking I found out a lot! Turns out Ricky's dad owns Hendrick Motorsports a racing company that funds people like Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. On youtube there is a 11 part documentary movie on his father and their family. It seriously is amazing! I cried about 3 times and just think everyone who watches the Bachelor should watch it! I know you might not have all the time in the world like me but try and sneak some and watch it! You can definitely see why it has been so hard for Emily to get over him!

Here is the part where it talks about Emily and her daughter. It starts at 1:20.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cause When Your 15....

My baby sister had her golden birthday on Monday! (It's actually Russell's golden birthday today but I am behind so he will get a shout out later!) 15 on the 15th! I can't believe little Jocleyn is that old! I mean if you look at her you would think she was more like 18! One more year and she is driving... seriously that is a scary thing. I really hope she is better than me! I have been driving for 7 years, yikes I'm old, and have been in 2 serious accidents (one wasn't my fault) and about 10-15 fender bendery type accidents (all of which were sort of my fault). I am cursed, I swear!

Jocelyn is the sweat heart of our family. You can pretty much get her to do anything for you! I'm pretty sure she might even still fall for the "I'll count and see how long it takes you!" How else would you explain her willingness to deal with me be a photographer diva as my assistant! Okay I am not actually that bad... right Joce? Everyone loves her when I take her to weddings. She doesn't really talk but will hold all their things along with mine, fix their dresses silently, and tell them how beautiful/handsome they all look. She is always making friends wherever she goes! She has more friends than anyone! Everyone wants to be Jocelyn's best friend! To bad for them I take that role. ha

Back to the whole she looks 18 thing. Seriously though she is way to GORGEOUS to be 15! People always think she is the older sister. We gave Mitch and Russell's billets a Christmas card and they thought Jocelyn was the 22 year old and I was the 15 year old... I have a young glow about me okay. She has also been hit on by my guy friends who think she is their age, and I have friends ask me all the time why she doesn't come to YSA activities... it's because she is in junior high moron! It might help that she is almost 2 inches taller than me and doesn't really have the body of a 15 year old... We are all jealous.

The Christmas Card we gave them. You tell me if I look 15...

We are really different. Besides how we look our personalities are pretty different too. She has an attitude towards things that I wish I could have so badly! The "oh you don't like me? That's fine." attitude. Which then makes people just want to like her more. Where as I cry and mope if anyone doesn't like me. She also never worries. I feel like she just goes with the flow and has no stress! I on the other hand am a stress case 90% of the time! For instance she is the one that calms me down every time we are driving to do a wedding. Telling me it will be okay and that we have all the equipment and that I am being a big baby.

We do have similar taste in clothing though. I said similar taste in clothes not style. The reason for this is that she HATES shopping! Shopping with her is hell on earth. She hates trying things on and hates anything I pick out for her. But if I buy it for myself she will wear it no problem! I don't understand her! Every day she wears something of mine. A tank top, a sweater, a t-shirt, a pair of my lulu's! I get "mad" every time but it does NO good! She would probably rather have her own clothes but that would involve shopping so she settles for mine! Lucky me.... I did make the deal with her that if she wears my clothes she has to help raise my children. Do all the nasty stuff like change their diapers, clean their throw up, and most of all come over in the morning and babysit them till I wake up! I'm going to be a fantastic mother! She happily agreed since she begs me to have a baby on a daily basis....

She is great and I love her!

Happy GOLDEN Birthday Baby Sister!

This is Jocelyn being my little assistant at a wedding!
She is the best assistant ever!! Holding my bag, umbrella, shader, water bottle, and anything else I might need :)
I love that after a wedding I have about 10-15 pictures of Jocelyn standing in places modeling so I can get the lighting right!

We are a good time!

Just Love Her!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Let Down

This post goes out to all my friends who had any kind of Valentine,

I was so excited to live vicariously through your Valentine's Day blog post all about how your Valentine spoiled you rotten. If he bought you flowers, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, made you breakfast in bed, gave you a handmade card, left you love notes in your car and packed lunch, gave you a day at the spa, won you a big teddy bear at a carnival booth, carved your initials into the trunk of a tree, or had rose petals on the bed surrounded by hundreds of white candles waiting for you when you got home. Or how they totally and utterly screwed up so badly on February 14th!  So far you are all letting me down. So tear yourself off your Valentine for 5 minuets and write a dang Valentine's post!

Thank you!

happy valentine's day

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Texas Forever

I shed a tear today. As I watched Eric and Tammy Taylor walk off the football field in Philadelphia and the credits started to roll, I shed a tear. Yes everyone I watched the series finally of Friday Night Lights this morning. I have been a dedicated fan since it's first episode. I remember watching the pilot  with my dad and brothers in my parents room when I was 17 years old. I have been addicted ever since! What can I say I have a huge slight love for a man in a football uniform! I have loved the new seasons but really nothing beats the first three. The men were hotter, the drama was bigger, and the girls were "classier".  Why did those season bring me so much joy you ask...

My undying love for Tim Riggins

I love me some Jason Street...

Truly Matt Saracen you are the man of my dreams!

and you could do so much better than Julie Taylor... Just sayin

Last but not least my older man crush! Seriously how dreamy!
He has by far the most epic lines in all of TV history!

Overall it was a great show! I highly recommend it! And it isn't just all about the football. There is of coarse countless love triangles, cheating, red plastic cup high school parties, parental abuse, a lot of kissing, marriage and babies, jail time, and plenty more for the football haters out there! I will miss the men and women in the town of Dillon Texas.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!