Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween Full Of Disney!

Halloween was so much fun this year! I don't know if I have mentioned this before on this blog but my Mom is FANTASTIC!! Seriously I wonder all the time how I got so lucky to have a mom like her! Did she spend 2 days and a few trips to Lethbridge to make my costume? Yep she sure did! Seriously she is the BEST! I was the Queen of Hearts and Lyssa was Alice! My costume turned out great and no one would believe that my mom made it! She's talented. Anyway on Friday there was the classic YSA dance and so the roommies all got dressed up! We sort of had a Disney theme as Megan was Ariel and Amber was an Indian so we are just gunna say she was Pocahontas! I thought everyone looked great!

Then on Saturday I handed out a little candy in Magrath! I love Magrath! I was only home for like 20 mins but so many cute little kids came by! I love Halloween and think its so great to see babies dressed up like Dumbo, bananas, pumpkins etc! I then went to a Hurricane game and after Matt McDonald, Scott Malmberg, and Adam Steed had a party. I didn't really dress up at all for this one... I wore a plaid shirt and boots and said I was a cowgirl... lame I know! It was fun though!

On Sunday Lethbridge did their trick or treating and I was so excited! So we got lots of candy and sadly only got like 4 trick or treaters! Needless to say I think I have gained at least 10 pounds on small chocolate bards and bags of chips.... dang it!

All in all Halloween was a blast! Here are a few pictures!