Okay so I just have a few things that have gone on lately that I haven't blogged about yet!
First Jenni got married! She looked beautiful and so happy! But before she got hitched I went to her little bachelorette party! So much fun! She got so much "
fun" stuff haha and of coarse Jen, Ang, and I had to get some pics together!
Then I was off to BC and had so much fun! I'll post pics later... maybe! But the first night I was there I got a call from my best friend Katelyn notifying me that she was
ENGAGED!! I am super super excited for her and Ray! They are getting married in October and I can't wait! She has been my best friend for a
REALLY long time and we have some ridiculous memories together! We even went to Hawaii a year ago just us! It was the best trip ever and I am so glad we went when we did! I just love her!
Also my baby cousin/sister is off to be a big girl in Utah! She is leaving tomorrow for Weber State! We had to say goodbye yesterday and it was all I could do not to bawl my eyes out and force her to stay here with me! But I am actually so excited for her! She is going to have so much fun!! I will miss her
A LOT but that is what skype was created for right?
Also a mental note to myself that I
REALLY need to start taking my camera with me wherever I go! Like this weekend I missed so many kodak moments! On Saturday me and Hatchma went to a dance party and both agreed that we actually had more fun chatting in the car together then the actually dancing! We also saw one of my good friends who got home from his mission, Aaron Jensen! It is so crazy that I am becoming older than all the missionaries! AH! Then on Sunday, Hatchma (Marissa) and I went to Aaron's homecoming then Me, Bethany, Carson, and Sam went to Morgan Duce's homecoming! It was a really full day of church!
After all the sacrament meetings my family, together with half of the Peterson Crew, all got together at Henderson Lake! It was so fun to see all the Ralphs, Sherwoods, and Maxwell's together! It has been
YEARS since we have had a family reunion and I think maybe next year someone should put one on! We played with the rip sticks, played catch, ate food, and got all caught up with each others lives! It was a blast!
When I got home Bethy, Mariss, and I headed off to Cardston to hangout with Mark, Justin, and Austin!
Things I Learned:
1. Marissa and I are horrible at ping pong and Bethy is the ping pong QUEEN
2. Marissa is even worse than me.... haha
3. I am also terrible at Foosball... like really bad... sorry Justin!
4. The Olsen boys should be like the next Jackson 5 or Backstreet Boys! (Mrs. Olsen had Mark and his brothers sing for us and they were amazing! Goosebumps good! Also Justin stepped in for a song and he is also allowed to be apart of their Backstreet Boys group! Mrs. Olsen closed the show and now I see why her sons are so talented! Man can she sing and rock out the piano!)
5. I can still tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue... Justin and Marissa cannot
6. Marissa + Volleyball + Salsa = Ruining Mark's Carpet
7. B93 plays the BEST songs from 12:30am till 1:15am!
8. That I am so sad for Bethy to go back to school "okay" :(
Overall it was one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time! Seriously wish I would have had my camera! Dang it! Next time.... next time!
Just a side note, I am loving Katy Perry right now... My favorite 2 songs are both hers! You should probably go listen to them!
They are:
"Teenage Dream" and
"Not Like The Movies"