Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wanna Get To Know Me?

So I found this little survey on Tina's blog and decided why not! I'm bored might as well! Also I just finished the last episode of Supernatural and need a new series to watch! Any ideas? (I should let you know I'm fully caught up on GG,Glee, OTH, How I Met Your Mother, Grey's, the bachelorette, and now Supernatural...) That's a lot of TV I watch maybe I should read a book?

Three Names I go by
1. Meghan
2. Maxwell
3. Megs (I have no cool nicknames...)

Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Drove poop around a field for 2 summers
2. Receptionist at the Magrath Golf Coarse
3. Graphic Designer/Secretary at Enviro Foam Insulation

Three Places I have lived
1. Little house in Lethbridge
2. My parents house in Magrath
3. In the concrete basement in Edmonton!

Three Favorite drinks
1. Diet Coke
2. Orange Juice
3. Vanilla Milk Shakes

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. One Tree Hill
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's

Three places I have been
1. Hawaii... twice :)
2. California
3. Arizona

Three People that text me regularly
1. My Mom
2. Amber
3. Sami

Three of my favorite foods
1. Chicken Fingers
2. TURKEY (not ham) Subway Sandwiches
3. Pasta Salad

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. The weekend
2. When my photography won't be the only love of my life haha
3. Going to Echo Lake this summer

Three of my favorite clothing items
1. My white high heels with the flowers on the side
2. My black tights from Forever 21
3. All my shirts with a floral pattern... I have a lot

Three places I would like to go
1. New York
2. Greece
3. Fiji

Three things that will make me cry
(I never used to cry. Ever. Now I cry a lot.)
1. Last night I teared up watching America's Got Talent
2. When my siblings cry
3. Marley and Me gets me every single time

Three things that will make me angry
1. When people are rude to me on the phone at work... sorry I don't know how much it costs to insulate a cantilever
2. When people take advantage of others
3. When somebody plans something and backs out last second. (Tina had this one but this makes me the most mad)

Three "perfect dates"
1. Stayin in and cuddling on the couch and just watch a movie
2. Go ice skating, then drink hot chocolate. This is more of a test. If you can't skate, you can't date me
3. Go watch a professional sporting event and make it on the kiss cam... cheesy i know.. don't judge me

Well there you go! Maybe you learned something about me you didn't before!


  1. ooh I love that I made it on your personal blog!

  2. i thought your favorite sandwhich was turkey at subway with NO CHEESE hahahah

  3. Hey Meg, I just found your personal blog and am loving it and then I find ME in it somewhere and am THRILLED.

    Yaaaaay, I'm so excited to read your blog every day. Which I will do....

  4. Of coarse you did Sammi! And Kara you are right they are! I didn't even mean to put ham! See you know me WAY to well! haha and Tina I am also thrilled that you will read my blog! Cause you know I read yours! And yes here you are on one of my first blog post ever! haha
