Wednesday, January 20, 2016

|| Beckett: 2 Months ||

AGE: 2 months!

Size: 10 lbs 4 oz 23 3/8 inches. You are growing, slowly, but growing!! 

Clothing Size: A week into your 2nd month you are officially into 0-3 month clothes!

Eye Colour: Blue! Dreamy blue!

Hair Colour: Still a challenge to figure out but I would say strawberry blonde!

Teeth: Nope not yet!

New Developments: You are a mover and a shaker! If you are awake you are kicking and punching! You are slowly starting to smile but I have to make a huge food of myself to get a smile out! 

Moment To Remember:
You also celebrated your first Halloween! We dressed up a little it... you and dad were lumberjacks and I was a deer! You took your first trip to Calgary with me, dad, and Grandma Lisa. You were a rockstar and slept while we drove and slept the whole time we shopped! It was awesome. A big moment was you baby shower! Grandma Robyn went above and beyond and it was so special. It was decorated perfectly and we were spoiled by so many people that love you! On a more sad note you got your shots :( You did great but I got some serious cuddles afterward! You also got your tongue tie clipped... it was so freaking sad but it has made such a difference! You are eating much better I think. We will see if you can gain more weight this month.

You are still moving like crazy when you are awake! You love to play on the ground.

Just some babble!

Still hating the whole sleep thing! Some nights are better than others but for the most part you are up every 1- 1.5 hours.

You are getting so much more smiley and I am loving it!

Beckett Likes:
Bath time, laying on the floor, sleeping in the car, being held by anyone, cuddles, laying on your mom, and playing hard when you dad gets home!

Beckett Dislikes:
Sleeping in a bed, being hungry, having your tongue clipped, and when dad leaves for work.

Favourite Mommy Activity:
Waking up in the morning with you being so happy! You give me lots of cuddles and it's so great!

Favourite Daddy Activity:
He loves bath time because you love it so much!

Favourite Place To Sleep:
Still your momma's arms

Favourite Toy:
No toys yet.

What I've Learned:
That I will do anything for you. We have gone to countless doctor's appointments lately to get your weight up and to see about your sleep. I stress about it a lot and just want you to be as healthy as possible! Man I love you Beckett Boy!

Monday, January 11, 2016

|| Beckett: One Month ||

I am doing a little catch up today! Beckett is almost 4 months so his 1 month update is definitely due! I am so terrible at journaling but I am determined to do better with Beckett so I can remember as much as possible! He is growing so quickly it gives me so much anxiety that I am missing things so I am hoping by blogging and videoing him daily it will help. I love my baby book so I want to give Beckett something like that one day! So here goes...

AGE: 1 months!

Size: 8 lbs 10 oz 21 inch. Yes you are a tiny little guy… We are doing our best to get you bigger which means a lot of work for mommy but it is worth it! 

Clothing Size: For the most part you are still in all newborn size things! We put your in a really baggy pair of sweats that were 0-3 months once day but other than that you are just a tiny thing!

Eye Colour: Blue! I couldn't be happier about this and your baby blues are definitely one of my very favourite things about you!

Hair Colour: Oh man this is a hard one! One day you have reddish blonde, one day more brown, and then sometimes it is straight up blonde! I can't wait to see what colour you end up with.

Teeth: Nope not yet!

New Developments: You are slowly starting to open your eyes more and we love that but you are still very very sleepy most of the time! You smile but we aren't convinced they are real ones yet! I like to pretend but I think they are still gas related… You love to hold our hands and have since day one! When I am nursing you hold my hand or the collar of my shirt. This isn't a good development but you are struggling with colic right now. The day you turned 3 weeks you have been a sad fella with an ouchie gas filled tummy. It breaks our hearts when you cry and are in pain and we are doing everything we can to get rid of it for you!

Moment To Remember:
You got to attend your Aunt Jocey's mission farewell and we both cried like a baby... okay me even more than you! We also went to the cabin for the first time to take Joce to the airport! We loved being at the cabin! It was a short trip but still fun.

You still stay were I put you and I love it! Makes things pretty easy for your momma!

Nope not talking yet!

Ha... You hate sleep. Unless it is in your moms arms or anyones arms really!

I would like to think you are smiling at us but I think it's just rumblings from down below...

Beckett Likes:
Bath time, playing on the floor, car rides, being swaddled, sleeping on your mom and dad, eating, and visits to your grandma and grandpas!

Beckett Dislikes:
Being gassy, having a hurting tummy, sleeping in your swing, your mommaroo, having your hair washed, and not having full attention!

Favourite Mommy Activity:
Holding you in my arms and having you look up at me with your big blue eyes!

Favourite Daddy Activity:
Kissing your little cheeks off!

Favourite Place To Sleep:
Your mom's arms!

Things Mom's Learned:
That I didn't know my mom loved me so much. I have learned a lot more than that but the love I feel for you is crazy and I love it!