Wednesday, September 6, 2017
|| Sleep Aids ||
For this beautiful Wednesday afternoon I am going to share some of my go to products for all you sleep deprived ladies out there! They be workin' just as hard as you do! ;)
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
|| Week In Review: March 20-26 ||
This week our house was plagued with both the flu at the start of the week and a nasty cold at the end. The worst part was that only little Beckett boy seemed to be the one getting sick. He powered through like a champ and tried his very best to be a pleasant as possible but he has been one sick dude.
On Tuesday he just wasn't his normal self and I couldn't get him to eat anything. We went out to my parents to help my mom set up her new desk and he refused ice cream, cookies, yogurt, crackers and any other thing we could think of. I should have clued in something was up but I thought he was just to distracted with playing to eat. Well at about 5am he woke up crying so I did the usual and made him a bottle but when I got him out of his crib he was pumping out some serious heat. I gave him the bottle and then went to turn the light on and get him some medicine when he vommited all over us. I turned the light on and got him standing on his changing table where he continued to throw up the bottle I had just given him. We woke up daddy and he changed Becks clothes and held him while I clean myself and Beckett's room.
The next days were filled with lots of cuddles, naps, and medicine. He even got a special visit from Grandma Lisa on Thursday morning so I could go to my 25 week doctor appointment and get some much needed groceries. Thank goodness for mothers! She also cleaned my house and hard core cleaned my floors. She is the greatest. By that night we thought he was feeling a bit better so we got out of the house and went to Raymond. He played and had fun and was finally acting like himself more.
We spent Friday watching NCAA and just having a relaxing evening at home. On Saturday Brett watched Beckett while my mom and I hit up the baby trade show! I needed a break and this was just what I needed. She spoiled baby girl Holt and also took me to lunch! Did I mention already that I have the greatest mom? Later that evening we headed out to Magrath so I could go to the women's conference with my mom and dad aka Stake Pres Maxwell, and Brett stayed and hung out with Beckett, Mitch, Russ, and Pax! When we got home Beckett was so tired he didn't even wake up during the carseat transfer. This Sunday was supposed to be Beckett's first time in nursery and we were all excited/sad/nervous about it! Well no need to be because at 7am Beckett woke up with a terrible cough. I went in and got him just in time for him to have a coughing attack and throw up on me yet again. So I took him into Brett and we started the whole process over! But before I could get everything cleaned up it was Brett's turn to take some puke. Poor Becks. Anyway I ended up staying home with Beckett and letting him have a nice long nap. Unfortunately the nap didn't heal him and he woke up still pretty stuffed up but begging to go for a walk. So after supper the three of us ditched a sleeping Uncle Russ who had come to visit and went for a walk. I love these walks with Brett because we always talk about so much stuff and seam to make our biggest and hardest decisions. It is always so peaceful and no distractions.
Last night at 1:30am Beckett woke up again crying hard and I walked into his room and smelt an all too farmilliar oder. It had happened again. This time all over himself, the crib, his blankets, the bumpers and the floor. I sure you can guess what happened next. The best part though was that when I walked into his room he started to say "uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" through his tears. He is so sweet. Then when I tucked him back into bed he said "bye, bye" and blew me a kiss. Like who even is this kid and how did I score him as my son! Luckiest mom ever. From then on little sleep happened. Poor little guy couldn't get comfortable without his bumpers and it didn't help that he couldn't stop coughing. So that brings us to today! He is still feeling under the weather but hopefully he will feel better soon, he is napping still (going on 3 hours) and I am still in my pyjamas! It's been real productive around here. Well here's to hoping I don't have to clean up any vomit this week!
On Tuesday he just wasn't his normal self and I couldn't get him to eat anything. We went out to my parents to help my mom set up her new desk and he refused ice cream, cookies, yogurt, crackers and any other thing we could think of. I should have clued in something was up but I thought he was just to distracted with playing to eat. Well at about 5am he woke up crying so I did the usual and made him a bottle but when I got him out of his crib he was pumping out some serious heat. I gave him the bottle and then went to turn the light on and get him some medicine when he vommited all over us. I turned the light on and got him standing on his changing table where he continued to throw up the bottle I had just given him. We woke up daddy and he changed Becks clothes and held him while I clean myself and Beckett's room.
The next days were filled with lots of cuddles, naps, and medicine. He even got a special visit from Grandma Lisa on Thursday morning so I could go to my 25 week doctor appointment and get some much needed groceries. Thank goodness for mothers! She also cleaned my house and hard core cleaned my floors. She is the greatest. By that night we thought he was feeling a bit better so we got out of the house and went to Raymond. He played and had fun and was finally acting like himself more.
We spent Friday watching NCAA and just having a relaxing evening at home. On Saturday Brett watched Beckett while my mom and I hit up the baby trade show! I needed a break and this was just what I needed. She spoiled baby girl Holt and also took me to lunch! Did I mention already that I have the greatest mom? Later that evening we headed out to Magrath so I could go to the women's conference with my mom and dad aka Stake Pres Maxwell, and Brett stayed and hung out with Beckett, Mitch, Russ, and Pax! When we got home Beckett was so tired he didn't even wake up during the carseat transfer. This Sunday was supposed to be Beckett's first time in nursery and we were all excited/sad/nervous about it! Well no need to be because at 7am Beckett woke up with a terrible cough. I went in and got him just in time for him to have a coughing attack and throw up on me yet again. So I took him into Brett and we started the whole process over! But before I could get everything cleaned up it was Brett's turn to take some puke. Poor Becks. Anyway I ended up staying home with Beckett and letting him have a nice long nap. Unfortunately the nap didn't heal him and he woke up still pretty stuffed up but begging to go for a walk. So after supper the three of us ditched a sleeping Uncle Russ who had come to visit and went for a walk. I love these walks with Brett because we always talk about so much stuff and seam to make our biggest and hardest decisions. It is always so peaceful and no distractions.
Last night at 1:30am Beckett woke up again crying hard and I walked into his room and smelt an all too farmilliar oder. It had happened again. This time all over himself, the crib, his blankets, the bumpers and the floor. I sure you can guess what happened next. The best part though was that when I walked into his room he started to say "uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" through his tears. He is so sweet. Then when I tucked him back into bed he said "bye, bye" and blew me a kiss. Like who even is this kid and how did I score him as my son! Luckiest mom ever. From then on little sleep happened. Poor little guy couldn't get comfortable without his bumpers and it didn't help that he couldn't stop coughing. So that brings us to today! He is still feeling under the weather but hopefully he will feel better soon, he is napping still (going on 3 hours) and I am still in my pyjamas! It's been real productive around here. Well here's to hoping I don't have to clean up any vomit this week!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
|| Happy Halloween 2016 ||
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This really shows how happy Becks was about taking a break from handing out candy and getting some pictures... |
I can't believe Halloween has come and gone! We had such a great time this year! Last year I had a month old baby and could barely get dressed let alone plan 3 costumes... (we went as a deer, and two lumberjacks... no supplies were bought). This year however we planned ahead and got all our gear a few weeks before the big day. I love doing family costumes and hope it's a tradition but lets me real I'm sure the days of me getting to pick Beckett's costume are numbered, but until then I'm the boss!
We started the night in Magrath. We tried to get some pictures but Beckett really wasn't having it. He was ticked that we took him from Grandpa and his candy handing out duties... and my camera battery was dead so we didn't get all the ones I really wanted. I wanted just one of him by himself but he didn't. Oh well I will probably dress him up later this week and take some after he has had a good long nap! Better late than never!
He didn't totally understand what was happening but he was excited about it! He held two tootsie roll packages in his hands and would squeeze them and freak out every time someone would come to the door! He loved helping Grandpa Greg hand out candy! We trick or treated to a few houses but it was pretty chilly for Becks even with a quilt wrapped around him so it was short lived.
Then we headed to Raymond to make our stops there! First was Grandpa and Grandma Holt's house. You would have thought it was more like Christmas with all the goodies Becks got! You can be sure we will be stopping there every Halloween ;) After some pictures we headed to Gpa Bob and Gma Helen's and then to Dana's. We partied hard but when Beckett hit his wall he hit it hard and fast!
It was a great Halloween and I loved it! Can't wait till next year!
Friday, September 23, 2016
|| Beckett: 12 Months ||
AGE: 12 Months!
Size: 22lbs 7oz
Clothing Size: 12-18 months! He has always fit the sizes according to his age perfectly
Eye Colour: Blue!!
Hair Colour: He has magic hair! In some lights it is quite red and in some it is quite brown. I just say reddish brown.
Teeth: 5 teeth!
New Developments: You have been walking and running like a mad man since you were 10 months! You love to climb the stairs as fast as you can. You can point to objects in books and pictures like cows, trucks, mom, and Thomas the train. You carry your mini stick around all day and everything is a ball. You also love balls and throw them around constantly! You also do this hilarious scrunchy smile and I cannot get enough of! It makes everyone's day when you flash it!
Moment To Remember:
Since I last posted there have been too many to count. Maxwell week at the cabin, Utah with the Holt's, Bible Camp with the Gibbs, going to AZ with your mom and dad, and Sept Long weekend at the cabin with the Dahl's!
This is my favourite thing lately! Your words. You say mom, dad, ball, Pax, Joc, treats, thanks, yep, no, bath, and he knows the animal sounds for a sheep "baaaa" , bear "grrrrr", fishy "bopbopbop", and snake "ssssss".
You have become such a better sleeper! You go to bed at around 8:30 and get up once or twice in the night for a bottle and then usually wake up for good in-between 9-11am! You have two 2-3 hour naps a day and love your bed!
Like always you are a smily laughing machine! It is so great!!
Beckett Likes:
Your hockey stick, balls, Thomas the Train, when people come to visit, your grandpas and your grandmas, climbing the stairs, being chased, eating "treats", going to the park, running the halls at church, hearing the garage door open meaning dad's home, and cuddling mom before going to sleep.
Beckett Dislikes:
Being told no, not being able to communicate, being cold, and getting his diaper and clothes changed.
Favourite Mommy Activity:
Reading books together and seeing you learn new things! Nothing is better than hearing you say a word for the first time or figuring out a new skill!
Favourite Daddy Activity:
Playing on the stairs. He chases you up and down and up and down! You also pass the ball down to him and he throws it up to you and you can't get enough!
Favourite Place To Sleep:
You're own bed. You won't sleep in my arms anymore :( and rarely fall asleep in the car! You sleep great in a playpen anywhere too! You are just a bed lover.
Favourite Toy:
What I've Learned:
These last 12 months have taught me more about myself that I ever thought possible! I have learned I can go on way less sleep than I thought. I never thought I would care so much about someone's potty schedule. No matter how bad my day is going if you give me a slobbery kiss I can't help but smile! You have made me so happy and I love you more and more each day!
Since I last posted there have been too many to count. Maxwell week at the cabin, Utah with the Holt's, Bible Camp with the Gibbs, going to AZ with your mom and dad, and Sept Long weekend at the cabin with the Dahl's!
This is my favourite thing lately! Your words. You say mom, dad, ball, Pax, Joc, treats, thanks, yep, no, bath, and he knows the animal sounds for a sheep "baaaa" , bear "grrrrr", fishy "bopbopbop", and snake "ssssss".
You have become such a better sleeper! You go to bed at around 8:30 and get up once or twice in the night for a bottle and then usually wake up for good in-between 9-11am! You have two 2-3 hour naps a day and love your bed!
Like always you are a smily laughing machine! It is so great!!
Beckett Likes:
Your hockey stick, balls, Thomas the Train, when people come to visit, your grandpas and your grandmas, climbing the stairs, being chased, eating "treats", going to the park, running the halls at church, hearing the garage door open meaning dad's home, and cuddling mom before going to sleep.
Beckett Dislikes:
Being told no, not being able to communicate, being cold, and getting his diaper and clothes changed.
Favourite Mommy Activity:
Reading books together and seeing you learn new things! Nothing is better than hearing you say a word for the first time or figuring out a new skill!
Favourite Daddy Activity:
Playing on the stairs. He chases you up and down and up and down! You also pass the ball down to him and he throws it up to you and you can't get enough!
Favourite Place To Sleep:
You're own bed. You won't sleep in my arms anymore :( and rarely fall asleep in the car! You sleep great in a playpen anywhere too! You are just a bed lover.
Favourite Toy:
What I've Learned:
These last 12 months have taught me more about myself that I ever thought possible! I have learned I can go on way less sleep than I thought. I never thought I would care so much about someone's potty schedule. No matter how bad my day is going if you give me a slobbery kiss I can't help but smile! You have made me so happy and I love you more and more each day!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
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