As I sat eating my dinner at Hu Hot with Jenni last Sunday it dawned on me that I had only been home for a week but if felt like so much more! This is strange because usually my trips home fly by and I am left wondering where all the days went. The difference this time must be the amount of things I have done in this short week! It also might have to do with how much I am missing my husband. Which is a lot, like so so much! He is in Tonga right now doing a service trip with a group from his school. I am so happy he has this opportunity and he is having a blast! I always miss him when we are apart but I am usually texting him through out the day and face timing him every night but with the time change and him being without internet most of the day, I hear very little from him. Which isn't good for this needy wife. Needless to say Friday cannot come soon enough!
Any who here is a little breakdown of my whirl wind week!
Sunday - I woke up at 4:30am and Brett drove me to the airport! I hated saying goodbye and like always fought back the tears at the drop off. It never gets any easier. Dang it. I then flew to Great Falls and my momma was there to pick me up! We then drove straight to Paxton's hockey game and caught the last period. He played awesome and is really becoming quite the little athlete! He is the only defenceman in our family so it's always cool for me to watch one of my brothers play that position and he does it so well! He sees the ice and passes the puck so well! I have always loved going to my brothers games and never felt forced! I often joke and say I was pretty much raised in an ice rink and I wouldn't have it any other way. After Pax's game we rushed over and I got to watch Mitch's game! I hadn't had a chance to watch him yet this year so that was so much fun. He is the bomb dot com people. He is so humble and hates when I say nice things about him both privately and publicly but whatever it has never stopped me before and probably never will. He played so great and had such a sweet assist! I know I am biased but he really is the best player on the ice. After all the hockey we went home and I got to meet the newest member of our family, our new puppy Harley. He is so cute! I have spent a lot of time with him this week and I just can't get enough of him! I'm obsessed and I need one.

Both boys are #6! |
He loves to watch my shows with me! He is the best puppy in the whole wide world. Except when he bites me. |
We also got another amazing letter from my favourite missionary Anziano Maxwell! He seriously kills me with his letters! I laugh, I cry, and then I laugh some more! I sure miss him! He is doing so awesome though and I could not be more proud of him. He has a hard mission and I know he probably has hard times and struggles but you would never know because he is so positive and never says a negative thing! He works hard and he is doing his best to enjoy the journey. He is such a great example to me!
This was his description of this photo: "My comp was kinda mad that I got on this boat but I was like I'm going on that boat." I told you non stop laughing! |
Monday - Wednesday:
My momma and I decided sort of last minute to make a quick trip up to Edmonton to visit my baby sis! I was so excited because I miss Joce all the time and because when us three get together it makes for the best time! So we braved the snowy roads and made the trek up there. Our few days were full of shopping, food, late night chats, laughing, matching outfits, and more shopping! We also slipped in a mini photo shoot in the freezing cold. This was actually Lisa's idea but obviously I was totally down! The pictures actually turned out really cute! We just had the best time together and saying goodbye was so hard and I hated it. Goodbyes and me just don't get along. Period. I also snuck in a quick lunch date with 2 of my favourite girls, Amber and Presley! I just love when you make life time friends. We can go months without seeing each other and the second we meet up not a beat is skipped! We chatted the whole time and tried to squish as much in as we could in our short time together! Bestie's for life, us two.
I forgot just how DANG cold it is here…. |
Here are some photos from our little Maxwell girls photo shoot… Oh and ps it might be hard to tell which one is our mom cause she is a babe and looks more like our sister.
I couldn't love these two more. |
To say these two are close would be a huge understatement! They talk all the time and laugh at each other constantly! I am sometimes jealous of how close these two cuties are! |
I told you, constant laughing!
This hot momma is the best and greatest lady I know! I wouldn't be where I am today without her! |
She loves me. |
Heavenly Father knew I couldn't make it through this life without her and wouldn't laugh near as much! I am so blessed to be her big sister. |
"Because I have a sister, I will always have a friend." |
We love our mom and she is the funniest! I can't wait until the day we are neighbours and this is a daily occurrence! |
Thursday - Friday
On Thursday morning I woke up bright and early (7:30am which if you know me, this is out of the ordinary) and stayed awake. For some reason I was up and there was no changing it. I had a text from Kates that mentioned something about coming to see her and her cute babies and a free lunch so obviously I was sold! I spent the day hanging out with the Wildes and Bethy and Laikey for a bit and it was so fun! I love that I can just sit and do nothing with Kates and still have the greatest time. Sign of a true friendship right there. That's what 20+ years together with do to ya.
On Friday I slept in (much more like me) and played with Harley for most of the morning. Then we got to go watch another of Mitch's hockey games! He seriously plays so great in every game! I am so glad I have gotten to watch some games while being here!
After the game I got to have lunch with Mitch, Nolan, and my Dad! I know lucky me I got to join guys night lol I just laugh the entire time I am with those three! The funniest guys I tell ya!
Saturday - Sunday
During this whole thing I was texting Jenni and we decided it was probably a real good idea to make a quick trip to Kalispell the next day! So bright and early Saturday morning we headed off to shop till we dropped and we did just that! We always have so much fun together doing crazy things and laughing so loud we get weird stares from strangers. It is the greatest!All you single ladies out there marry your best friend's brother, it's the bomb. Any who we shopped all day Saturday and then on Sunday we slept in, ate breakfast, lazed around, went quadding, and took some selfies! Overall it was a very successful trip and I can't wait to do it again!!

Okay so you feel me with the whole "this week felt like forever" thing right? I had a pretty packed and fabulous week! I am one lucky girl! I also did a little face timing with my hubs… I swear we were both really excited to talk to each other haha
Only 2 more sleeps, only 2 more sleeps… you can do this, you can do this! I just miss him okay. I love doing fun stuff and everything but trust me when Brett is around it makes everything I do 1000000x more fun, exciting, worth while, and just plain old better.
Bueller, Bueller… if anyone is still reading you deserve 5 gold stars! Sorry it was so long but I had to document it all! I am so far behind that when I have any energy to post I have to take advantage! Okay that's all! I hope you all have a great weekend!
Seriously - blog more often!!! I need to read about someone's super fun life and your blog is so cute that I love being on it. And this is probably creepy, but I think your little sister is super rad too. I taught her in bronze medallion and she seriously kept me in stitches the whole time.