I've been avoiding this blog on purpose lately...
Last Wednesday I got up. I didn't go to work that morning because I went to a press conference for Mitch but after I headed off to Raymond. I do two things first always. Check the email messages then the phone messages. Then I have free rain to do whatever I want as long as I can answer the phone when it rings and design and ad when I need to. I check FB and then all the blogs I follow. Then watch whatever TV show I have missed or any new movies on Netflix. I have gotten REALLY good at keeping myself occupied on the computer for 8 hrs everyday. Anyway I was just getting ready to pack my stuff up for the end of the day when one of my bosses pulled his chair next to mine and I instantly knew something was up. He told me that the rent on the building was going up and they could no longer afford to stay there. They were either going to move into their home offices or into their mom's basement. This mean that there was no longer a desk for me to work at. Which means in 1 week from now I will be an unemployed girl....
It has been quite the experience for me. I of coarse had the melt down on the way home. Held it together at work though. (Good job Meg!) I called my mom first. She was actually excited for me? I was like no mom you aren't listening to me!
She said...
...now you can focus more on your photography!
...you can travel more!
...you can find a job in Lethbridge so you don't have to drive so long anymore!
... you can find a new job you love!
I am lucky to have such a positive mom! She let me know that I was capable of handling this and that no matter what her and my dad would be here to help me. Like I said I am lucky.
Right after I got off the phone with my mom I headed to Osho's. Katelyn, Marissa, and I had already arranged to have dinner and I think heavenly father knew I would need them that day so he let it work out in our schedules to be able to be together. I was the last to arrive. I sat down and not even 5 minutes later they asked "okay what's wrong." I told them. I honestly felt so silly complaining about this problem. Only 2 months earlier we were together comforting one of us who had suffered a much greater tragedy than losing a job. I told them I was just being a baby and I was sorry. But they didn't care and still gave me great advice and let me know they were there for me no matter what.
I have blogged about them before but I honestly don't know what I would do or would have done with out Katelyn and Marissa. They have been there for me through everything and I have tried to be there for them! I am so grateful for my two best friends.
After Osho's I headed home. I walked in the door, went to my room put my purse down and walked into the kitchen. I hadn't been home 2 minutes before Megan asked me "Okay what's wrong?" (Seriously am I THAT easy to read?) So I spilled it again to her and Amber. Again they were amazing. They gave me a hug and told me I would be okay. They were just like my mom and actually excited for me. The next day Amber told me she knew what my next job would be. "You are going to be a wedding planner. I am serious Meg! You could be a Mormon Wedding Planner!" She's the best! And lets be honest I actually could. I mean I have been to enough weddings and look at enough weddings blogs...
Anyway by the end of the day I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude.I couldn't have gotten through that day alone. Amber also reminded me of the quote that goes something like "Heavenly Father never gives us a trial we can't handle." I also know that this trial is so small. So many people close to me are going though such worse things and I am grateful that this is all I have to go though. I guess Heavenly Father knows I am a big baby and that if this is all it takes to cause a melt down he has to be careful with me!
So there you have it. I am taking the month of April off and going to California on a 10 day road trip with Mitch cause he's leaving on a mission soon! (he put in his papers last week) Then I am going to Arizona with the whole family plus the Lows, Dahls, and Hansens! I can't wait! When Paxton first saw me after he heard he told me he cried for me and was sad I was sad but not to worry cause this just meant I would have more time to spend with him! Oh that little boy just melts my heart.
I have NO idea what my future holds. Seriously zero clue. So if any of you have some ideas for me feel free to let me know! Or if you are a bride that needs a wedding planner... ;)