"One year older and sexier too!" Oh wait, maybe that's not how the song goes? Oh well, when it's applied to Brett it sounds pretty perfect. I mean all joking aside, I quote honestly think he gets more handsome every single birthday. I seriously love him more than I can describe. He means everything to me and I just wanted to wish him a happy belated birthday on my little blog!
His birthday was pretty low key this year. His family was all here in AZ so that was nice timing on their part! We went and got ice cream, opened presents, he got to watch some playoff basketball, and then we finished it off with a stake dinner! Overall I think he was pretty happy about it.
I am so dang happy this boy was born! My life would be dull and depressing without him! Also I wouldn't have the most handsome photo assistant to help me by caring my heavy bags, the bags of my clients, scout out great shoot locations and be there to tell me I'm great at my job. I struck gold with this guy.
xoxo love you Brett!