The big event we just crossed off the list was the Holt Family Reunion in Silver City, New Mexico! Neither Brett or I had ever been to New Mexico so it was fun to see what it was like there. This was also our first "road trip" together! We didn't talk a whole lot though since Brett has tests this week so he had to study but it was still a good time. The weather is great and was such a nice break from AZ! +30C during the day and mid 20C at night! SO NICE! I hadn't met very many of Brett's Holt cousins so it was great to meet a ton of them. They were all so inviting and a really fun group! The Stailey's did an incredible job of organizing the activities, meals, sleeping arrangements, and everything else! They put on such a great reunion. Here are some photos of our time in Silver City!
I guess before I get into the reunion I should mention July 1st/Canada Day! We were both pretty sad we missed the celebrations back in Raymond but we tried to make the most of it and put on our matching Canada shirts I had bought us a few months ago!
Before the trip could start Brett needed a little hair cut. Here is a little before and after! I do love a clean cut man! Oh and his hair grows faster than anything in this world I swear. It makes me so mad because he hates it and I would kill for it!
Day 1:
We left later on Wednesday and got into town just after 1am, so needless to say we didn't do a lot the first night! The first day we got to Silver City it was July 4th! We were planning on getting up and going to the parade... but that didn't end up happening! I was a little sleepy and had a hard time getting up and ready to go... whoops! We ended up meeting everyone for lunch after we ran some errands at Walmart! Which included getting some new sunnies for us both! After lunch Brett played basketball and I visited! I really had a great time getting to know his Holt side of the family better. We were really missing his immediate family though! It would have been so much more fun with all of them! Next time right Jenni? ;) After we wrapped up at the lunch site we headed over to the Stailey's for dinner! (I really feel like all we did was eat! As soon as one meal was over another was being started! It was awesome.) After dinner was the fireworks show! It got pretty chilly so we didn't make it through the whole thing! I am becoming a baby to cold weather. It's not good.
Day 2:
We woke up really early on our second day to meet at Walmart for breakfast and to begin the Holt's Amazing Race! We hadn't slept great the night before due to some crazy thunder and other noises... but we somehow managed to pull ourselves out of bed! So I was looking GOOD this day. No shower, no make up, no sleep looks the best on me for sure... Anyway we were put on the "Horny Toad" team and given our orange bandannas. Our first stop was the City of Rocks!
We were given tasks to complete and we really had a fun time! We explored a little bit and it reminded us a lot of the hoodoos at Writing on Stone!

After the City of Rocks we headed to the Copper Mines! They were really interesting. The picture really doesn't do it justice at all! There were so many colours and it was HUGE.
The last leg of the race was at an old military cemetery. Each grave stone had a sign of the soldiers religion and for the LDS faith there was an angel Maroni.
Day 3:
We were supposed to get up early again and do some more racing but unfortunately do to the serious rain they were having at night the place we were going to was flooded and closed : ( So instead I slept in and Brett got some more studying done! After lunch though we decided to do some exploring and went and checked out downtown Silver City! It was pretty small but had some cool stuff! We ate some homemade fudge, took fun pictures, and went into some antique stores! In one of them we found an old vintage camera and Brett got it for me to add to my little collection! I am the luckiest! He also is such a good sport and will pose for me on occasion! Overall it was a nice way to spend the afternoon!
That night we played in a corn hole tournament, ate a great mexican dinner, filled out a "Murry Holt History Quiz", watched a slideshow of some pictures and videos from the weekend, and ate lots of treats! It was a great way to end off a great weekend!
We both haven't stopped talking about how much fun we had and how happy we are that we went! I also really enjoyed not having to share Brett with the clinic and am feeling grumpy that he is back at it today! Oh well... We had a blast while it lasted and can't wait for the next one!