Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BIG day!

Well yesterday my baby brother turned 8 YEARS OLD! Yep I may or may not have shed a tear! He is my baby brother, like I said, and will forever be 3 years old in my mind! I remember when my mom and dad told us that we were going to have another brother or sister and we all kind of laughed and thought they were joking.... turns out they were serious! Why were we so shocked? Maybe because they had definitely in their minds had enough after Joce! BUT I guess Paxton thought we were the coolest family in the world and wanted to join us and we are all so grateful he did!  I remember the day he was born vividly! It was a Friday and my parents made us kids go to school and I called my aunt between every single class wanting updates! Finally the bell rang and we all ran home to find out that Paxton James Maxwell had finally been arrived! Now he is 8 years old and getting baptized on Thursday! CRAZY! He is a little hellion but we all love his SO much and so glad he decided to come and surprise us!
The birthday boy and me!

My mom use to say that he was going to be the death of her! After all she did have him when she was 40 and will be almost 60 when he graduates high school... but now I think she is very glad to have him since after the news we got yesterday she is down to only 2 kids living at home! Why is this? Because Russ found out yesterday that he and Mitch will both be Lethbridge Hurricanes this year!! WOO! I found out after work yesterday when I walked into the house and Russ was talking on the phone. Russ is the type of person that you can read like a book! He is the worst liar in the world and his face is so easy to read! SO when I walked in and he was grinning ear to ear talking on the phone and my dad was standing there also grinning ear to ear I put two and two together! Russ ended up being the only 16 year old they kept! We are all so excited and proud of both Mitch and Russ for how hard they have had to work to get to where they are! We got to watch them play a pre season game last week and it was so fun to watch them play on the same line together! I doubt this will be a regular occurrence but it was nice while it lasted! I think it's probably a good thing since every time Russ got hit at all Mitch, being the great big brother he is, would attack whoever was trying to mess with Russ... Anyway after Russ called all the uncles, cousins, grandmas, and friends I was talking to him and he was just so excited! He couldn't talk to me without smiling and giggling! He has had to go through a lot in his hockey career and I proud that he has stuck it out!

The Newest Hurricane!

Overall yesterday was a really happy and exciting day at the Maxwell house! Lately my life has been pretty dang sweet! I am so grateful for all the blessing that our father in heaven has blessed not only me but my family with! I am a lucky girl and try not to take it for granted!


  1. That is just too exciting! Go Russ and way to go Paxton!! I can't believe he is growing up so much. It is amazing.

  2. For the record...I was almost 42 when I had Paxton...

  3. I know its pretty exciting Sarah! He is becoming a little man and it freaks me out! haha and mom I was trying to help you out but fine if you want to be 42 thats fine lol
